Instructions: Download the bot via the link below, enter your twitter log in information and select how many users you wish to follow. The more you follow the more points you earn. It runs in cycles of six follows so if you select 1 from the drop down menu it'll follow 6 users, if you select 10 it'll follow 60 users and so on and so fourth.
Description: Yet another simple by effective bot. This bot starts off by clearing the cookies in the browser then logs into Twiends using your twitter log in information. Once you're logged in it begins collecting points by following random users. It uses a built in random delay of 8-14 seconds in between follows to have a more realistic approach. While following users it'll scrape the points you've earned after every 6th follow. Once it has completed the task it will automatically log you out.
-Public and private proxy support.
-Displays points earned
-Random delays and follows
Direct Download
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